Humanize Teaching and Learning


“Teachers who put their relationship first don’t just have students for one year. They have students who view them as their teacher for life.”

-Justin Tarte, Educator

Hello, faculty!

Did you know that your students are craving your expertise and unique presence in their courses? It’s true! They tell us all the time.

Humanizing the online components of a web-enhanced, blended, or fully online course is crucial because it makes the learning experience more engaging and personal. When instructors connect with students as real people, it boosts motivation, reduces feelings of isolation, and builds trust. This approach allows for tailored support and better feedback, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment. It also helps recognize and support students’ cultural diversity and cultivates a sense of community. Overall, humanizing online course components makes learning more enjoyable and effective, encouraging critical thinking and modeling professionalism, which are key for successful online education.

-The ID Team
CITS | Instructional Development

The WHY: WHo How and YOU. Humanize Teaching and learning.


We know that forming personal connections can be tough in large-enrollment courses. Nevertheless, making this effort leads to increased engagement, a deeper grasp of the material, and a more positive experience for all participants. To assist with this, we’ve put together resources to aid you in creating activities and assessments that promote human connections in your courses. Happy connecting!


In this edition learn to: 

  • Enhance engagement.
  • Build rapport.
  • Motivate and foster accountability.
  • Create a positive learning environment.


Our goal for you is to: 

  • Find new ways to engage with your students.
  • Inspire conversation with fellow faculty on how they create community in their courses.
  • Create connections in the online environment and classroom.
  • Reimagine Office Hours.


Rethinking Office Hours

Associate Professor of Education and the Director and Department Chair for Academic Transition Programs at Northern Arizona University. Bonni Stachowiak rethinks office hours on episode 440 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

"" Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond

The Chronicle of Higher Education

“Faculty members are struggling more than ever to reach their students. Emphasizing human connections in the classroom is a key success strategy.”

"" The Missed Opportunity of Office Hours

The Chronicle of Higher Education

“One conversation with a professor can change the trajectory of a student’s life.”

Instructional Development works with faculty to…

  • Explore, design, and experiment with different teaching and learning modes.
  • Research and integrate technologies that can enhance teaching and learning.
  • Design and develop online courses and programs.
  • Write learning outcomes, design assessments, craft activities, and develop content.
  • Utilize best practices for using instructional technologies.

Feel free to contact us online to book an appointment!