Update on myCourses Site Auto-Creation

Keep Your Designs Fresh with Update ClipartsPlease note that while all Lecture and Seminar courses have been automatically created, some course types such as Independent Studies, Thesis Research, and Dissertations have not, due to many of these types not using myCourses historically.

If you believe a missing site should have been created automatically, please let us know at https://ithelp.umassd.edu/.

Sites for these courses can still be created on-demand by following these steps:

      1. Visit the myCourses Site Creation Tool.
      2. Select the term you would like to create sites for.
      3. Select “Create Sites.”
      4. Check the “Create Site” box to the right of each course you would like to create a site for.
      5. Click the “Save Changes” button.

myCourses sites will appear in myCourses approximately one hour after they are created via the tool.

Note: Some courses that have been created already may be missing from your myCourses dashboard due to too many older courses taking up room – you may need to hide older sites if this is the case.