This Week in ID – 4/5 to 4/11


Did you know that 78% of instructors were found to have flipped at least one lesson according to a 2014 study conducted by the Flipped Learning Network and SOPHIA Learning? It was also reported that 96% of instructors who have flipped a lesson would recommend this method to other instructors.

Interested in learning more? Consider joining us Thursday morning at our “Fundamentals of Flipping” workshop. You will gain insight into the flipped instructional approach and draft a “flipped” schedule for one of your own lessons.

Fundamentals of Flipping
Thursday, April 7th
10:00am – 12:00pm
Claire T. Carney Library, Room 128

To Register for Instructional Development Workshops & Events:

  1. Visit the myUMassD Full Calendar at
  2. Login using your UMassD Login information if prompted.
  3. In the Search field in the upper left corner of the page type in “training” or the name of the workshop, then click the Search button.
  4. Click on a workshop title to view event details and register.


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