On Wednesday, we are offering a workshop on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra – the online meeting tool built into myCourses. Collaborate can be used to have live audio/video chat sessions with students. Collaborate also allows you to share your screen and present office documents/presentations. Many instructors use Collaborate to host online office hours, conduct optional review sessions, and meet one-on-one with students.
REEF Polling allows instructors to shake up their lectures by engaging students with multiple choice, numeric, and short answer questions. Students can respond from their phone, tablet, or laptop and the instructor can display the results data immediately afterward on the projector to discuss as a class. Attend our Polling with iClicker Cloud workshop on Friday, February 23rd to learn more about this in-class engagement tool.
Online Meetings in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Wednesday, February 14th
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Claire T. Carney Library, Room 135
In-Class Polling with iClicker Cloud
Friday, February 23rd
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Claire T. Carney Library, Room 135