With one simple click beside the phrase Return Receipt, you can definitively know if your students received messages sent using Blackboard’s “Send Email” tool. Blackboard always sends a copy of messages to their senders. When Return Receipt is selected, the sender’s copy will include a list of the email’s recipients.
To open the SEND EMAIL tool:
- With one of your Blackboard courses open, click “Course Tools” on the left-hand menu.
- Click “Send Email”
- When the Send Email page opens, select All Users to send to everyone connected to the course.
Using the Send Email tool:
- When the All Users window opens, fill in your subject line and compose your message.
- Before sending, click the tiny checkbox at the bottom of the screen for a Return Receipt.
- Click Submit at the bottom of the screen.
- When you receive your copy of the email, you will also receive a list of all recipients.