Content Migration Processes

During the LMS transition from Blackboard to Canvas, UMD will use three processes for faculty to create content in Canvas course sites:


1. Instructors Can Develop Content From Scratch In Canvas

Design, develop, and create your content yourself, leveraging the training and support materials that Canvas, instructional technology vendors, and Instructional Development have provided.


2. Instructors Can Import Content From Blackboard To Canvas

Starting in a Blackboard course site:

  1.  Go to Control Panel > Packages and Utilities > Export/Archive Course.
  2. On the Export/Archive Course page, select Export Package.
  3. Leave the default selections for File Attachments.
  4. Under “Select Course Materials”, click Select All.  Manually selecting items here is not recommended, as many tools require multiple selections to be exported fully.
  5. Under Discussion Board, select “Include only the forums, with no starter posts”.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. The export file may take some time to generate. You will receive an email when it is complete.
  8. Return to Control Panel > Packages and Utilities > Export/Archive Course.
  9. Click the zip file under “Packages created manually” to download.

Then, from within a Canvas course site:

  1. View the Home page and click Import Existing Content on the right.
  2. Select “Blackboard 6/7/8/9/Ultra export .zip”.
  3. For Source, click Choose File and select the downloaded Bb zip file.
  4. For content, select “All Content”.
  5. Click Import.
  6. Wait for the file to upload.
  7. The conversion process will begin once the file is uploaded. This process may take some time to complete.
  8. You can check the status under “Current Jobs” on the Import Existing Content page.

Please note that content adjustments may be required following the import process. If a development site is needed, one can be requested via

Further guidance is available at Instructure | Community.


3. The K-16 Migration Service: Convert Blackboard Content To Canvas

Migration by K-16 Solutions is an automated migration service that moves online content from Blackboard to Canvas, capturing details such as course structure, quizzes, tests, and even question pools. All Blackboard courses from the Academic Year 2024-2025 will be automatically converted using K16 Migration for faculty. Migrated course sites will automatically be available in Canvas for faculty.

Please note that Blackboard courses that are 0KB (i.e., an empty course shell) will not automatically be converted.

  • Captures all available content, leaving nothing behind.
  • Easily transfers course content regardless of type—script tags, iframe, LTIs, settings, quizzes, quiz banks, etc.
  • Saves time, giving staff & faculty the ability to focus energy on students and academics.
  • Provides faculty with the assurance they need to begin teaching in the new LMS quickly.
  • Eliminates the headache of needing to rebuild courses.

Please note that content adjustments are required following the K16 migration process.


4. Importing Course Content from One Canvas Site to Another Canvas Site

If you have content in a Canvas Development, Sandbox, or K16 migrated Development site, you can quickly and easily import/copy it into an upcoming official course site where you will engage with students.