Course Copying
To copy a Dev Site/Migrated Course/Sandbox course into your Sp25 course site, you will need the name of the course you want to copy content from (source course) and to start by going to the course you want to copy the content to (i.e. the Sp25 site in this case).
- From the Home page in the target course, click “Import Existing Content” on the right.
- Select “Copy a Canvas Course”
- Start typing the source course name – it will search as you type so you won’t need to type the whole name, but be sure to select the source you want, not your current Sp25 course.
- Select “All Content”
- In this case, you can ignore the other options. In particular, the message that says “Importing the same course content more than once will overwrite any existing content in the course.” is a standard message, not a sign that there is an error.
- Click Submit. You will see a Queued message and then a copying status for a few minutes until the copying is complete, but you do not have to keep that page open while it copies.
Course Copy Video Steps
Course Merging/Combining
To merge sections, please identify which section you want to use as a Parent then copy content and do any other required setup work in that section only (this will become the section students see).
Then please submit a request via Need Help and identify:
- The parent section (e.g. ENL 101-1)
- The child section(s) (eg. ENL 101-2 and/or HST 101-1)
Once the merging is completed, students will be placed in the parent section and will not see the content from the child section(s).