We invite proposals focused on innovative and creative teaching and learning strategies. The goal of these interactive sessions is to share effective teaching and learning practices so that attendees can gain concrete ideas to integrate into their own courses. Proposals could include, but are not limited to, any of the following topics:
- Best practices and strategies for Active learning
- Creating a holistic learning environment (social, mental, behavioral, etc.)
- Teaching difficult subjects and controversial topics
- Effective collaboration or Team-Based Learning techniques
- Fostering student engagement and community within courses and programs
- Creative assessment strategies
- Student multimedia projects
- Innovative use of technologies
- Online teaching strategies (Fully online, Blended, Flipped, Web-enhanced)
- Project-based learning
- Effective service-learning projects or experiences
- Teaching and learning strategies in STEM fields
This year’s conference will feature concurrent panel sessions and two lightning round sessions. We welcome proposals for both.
- Full panel session (30-40 mins)
- Active learning lightning round
- Teaching with Technology lightning round
Deadline for proposal submissions is 11/30/18.